I am not much of a winter person, however, one of my favorite winter things is hot chocolate. I love different flavors in hot chocolate: mint, peppermint, vanilla, etc. I thought it would be fun to experiment a bit, so I made my own hot chocolate from scratch. Let's just say, chocolate sommelier I am not and I will be sticking to my day job.
i love hot chocolate too! i'd love to know how you made it from scratch. (by the way, the recipe on cocoa powder boxes is pretty good too!)
Hot Cocoa is the best thing of this season, no matter whats going wrong, there's nothing that can't be forgotten while sipping on the chocolaty goodness.
This season I became a HUGE fan of the Peppermint Hot Chocolate at Starbucks (Hope they don't sue me for using their name without permission), if you like a hint of mint, then I recommend you give it a shot!
I made the hot chocolate by melting chocolate chips on a double boiler. I then added milk, sugar, and amaretto (for a hint of flavor). It was fun to try, but I probably better stick to tried and true recipes!
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